Christmas Opening Hours and Customer Support
Our offices will close for the second half of 22nd December, and we’ll be back in the office on 2nd January 2024.
If you have an emergency with your fixed line services during this time, please contact Ram Mahmi on 07507515270.
If you require support during this time for your mobile phone, please contact the network directly. To do this, you will need the account password, which will have been provided to your company account holder. You will not need the account password to report a stolen handset.
T-Mobile & EE Small Business 08454 125000 (150 from handset)
Orange & EE Corporate 07973 100158 (158 from handset)
Vodafone 03333 040191 (191 from handset)
O2 0800 9777337 (8002 from handset)
Many thanks for your business in 2023 and we look forward to working with you in 2024!